WALISE a 30. FeHoVa at the exhibition

The WALISE water quality monitoring and early warning system, unique in Hungary and Europe, was presented at the 30th anniversary of the WALISE system. FeHoVa exhibition on 8 February. and 11. between MBH Bank’s Agri-Food Branch and its professional partner, the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organisation (MA-HAL).

One of the main benefits of the entirely home-grown system is that it helps to predict when a lack of oxygen in lakes is causing mass fish mortality, thus enabling preventive action. It can also enable more effective management and provide a basis for setting sustainability targets.

MBH Bank press release: https://www.mbhbank.hu/sajtoszoba/20240208

MA-HAL press release: http://new.magyarhal.hu/Hirek-esemenyek/Egyedulallo-vizmonitorozo-rendszert-mutat-be-a-30.-FeHoVa-kiallitason-az-MBH-Bank-es-a-MA-HAL