Vízpartokra, vízművekre

FMU - vízparti monitorozó és vezérlő egység

Az FMU nem csupán egy vízminőség-monitoring  eszköz, hanem egy sokoldalú őrszem, amely a vízpartokon és a talajban is hatékonyan működik. Az FMU beavatkozás automatizálást is végezhet, így időben reagálhat a lehetséges problémákra.
Full monitoring

In addition to water quality, the FMU also measures soil and air quality, giving you a comprehensive picture of the state of the environment.

Wide range of applications

It can be installed on the waterfront or on the ground, making it ideal for detecting fertiliser or industrial chemical infiltration into fields, water level monitoring at inlets and outlets, and underwater monitoring.

Easy installation

It can be attached to an existing landmark or a custom-designed bracket.

Intervention automation

Ability to control external devices (e.g. aerators, fans, pumps) in coordination with all the devices in the system.

Mit nyújt az eszköz?


Real-time data. Always.
data collection 0-24
Customized sensing
Intervention driven by automation
Self-operating device
Self-sufficient with solar panels
Easy to install
ISO certified

Vízben, levegőben és talajban

Mit mér az FMU?

In water

water level / water temperature / dissolved oxygen / oxygen saturation / conductivity / pH / salinity / TDS

In the air

temperature / humidity / air pressure / PAR irradiance / wind speed

In the soil

temperature / humidity / pH / sodium / phosphorus / potassium

Egy eszköz, két funkció

Mérés és vezérlés

Carries out monitoring

It provides a complex picture of the state of our environment by continuously monitoring the condition of our water and soil.

You can intervene

Automated intervention allows the system to react in time to potential problems, preventing more serious damage and ensuring the long-term protection of our environment. This unit is a key tool for automated intervention.