United for water

Through our expertise and technology, we help our clients succeed in their businesses while ensuring excellent water quality, thus contributing to global efforts to preserve aquatic ecosystems.
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values

Orűur misison at WALISE is to equip freshwater fish farmers with innovative tools for continuous and comprehensive water monitoring, contributing to global efforts in sustainable water management and responsible aquaculture.


Our vision is to ensure the health of our waters through advanced water quality monitoring solutions, so that future generations can enjoy the experiences of clean water and abundant fish populations. We believe that technology can help protect our precious water resources and contribute to a sustainable future.


Innovation, sustainability, and teamwork are at the heart of our company culture. We believe that together we can protect our planet's most valuable resource – water.

Why choose WALISE to protect your water resources?

Professional expertise

20+ years experience

We bring together more than two decades of expertise in industrial development and manufacturing with our commitment to water stewardship.

Technology, science, and a passion for water

At WALISE a team of software developers, electrical engineers, fish biologists, and hydrobiologists is working to protect aquatic ecosystems.

Expertise and collaboration

Our Partners

Innovative solutions

Award-winning innovation

Hungarian Industrial Target Machine Grand Prize 2023

Our PMU profiling unit received a special award at the 2023 Hungarian Industrial Target Machine Grand Prize in the

“environmentally conscious eco-target machine of the year”
