Who could it help?

The WALISE automated water quality monitoring and early warning system can be used unlimitedly, from angling lakes through fish ponds to regional monitoring of international watersheds!

It could help so that oxygen deficiency processes that cause fish death can become visible days in advance in all layers of the entire water column, without human intervention, 24 hours a day, throughout the entire season!

Complex monitoring of water, soil and air could even provide a new and objective way to monitor risk sources in a targeted way and to guide action and decision-making in support of sustainable development.

walise alkalmazás: halastó, horgásztó

Fish and angling lakes

Fish kill? Poor water quality? Unpredictable yield? Climate change challenges?

With WALISE’s automated water quality monitoring system, you can continuously see real-time data on the entire cross-section of the lake and its surroundings. Based on these, you can make well-founded decisions in operational, development and management issues as well!

Feel free to contact us with your questions, without any obligation! We are at your service!

walise alkalmazás: vízgazdálkodás

Water management

The WALISE automated water quality monitoring system can open the possibility of monitoring catchment areas in an unlimited geographical area, even across countries, even in layers, in the entire water column.

The system is open to the integration of any special water or soil sensor, or even to the smartening of existing systems. The entire network can be monitored even from a smartphone. The system supports the work with notifications, and can also be integrated into the intervention system if needed.

Whatever the challenge, we are here for you! Feel free to contact our colleagues with your questions!

walise alkalmazás: természetvédelem, kutatás

Nature conservation, research

Habitat protection? Climate resilience research or monitoring? With the WALISE monitoring system, outdoor data collection and monitoring can be brought to a phone and available anytime, anywhere! The habitat of the fish of the year 2022, the marsh sparrow, is also monitored by WALISE. But WALISE also helps with truffle research.

In addition to water monitoring, the WALISE monitoring system can help you monitor any combination of soil and air parameters. Starting from the NPK of the soil to the ammonia evaporating in the barn!

See the possibilities of our services for research: services for research (0.7 MB, PDF)

Plan with us! We are at your disposal for any questions. Contact our colleagues without any obligation!


Start using WALISE now!