Exhibition at the 30th FeHoVa – WALISE water quality monitoring system

A unique water quality monitoring and early warning system in Hungary and Europe, the WALISE system, was presented at the jubilee 30th FeHoVa exhibition between February 8 and 11 by MBH Bank’s Agricultural and Food Business and its professional partner, Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization (MA-HAL). One of the main advantages of the entirely […]

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Water quality monitoring for bed dredging at the Little-Balaton

As part of a project, the West-Transdanubian Water Administration carries out bed dredging on the Little Balaton for research purposes. We gladly accepted the honorable possibility, despite the cold, frosty December weather, and deployed a fixed-depth measuring unit and a PMU unit capable of profiling in the entire water column for continuous, real-time monitoring of […]

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New special unit for individual needs

The second largest lake in Hungary is Lake Tisza, where the community does outstanding and self-sacrificing work to increase the attractiveness of the lake. At the same time, the beautiful environment and the uniqueness of the lake system present many challenges to the community and researchers alike. There was a need for an in-situ, real-time, […]

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Winterization of the WALISE water quality monitoring units

The season is over, winter is coming. Before the ice events, the water quality monitoring units are put into dry dock. During the winter, we clean them and carry out maintenance and calibration tasks. This year’s experiences exceeded all professional expectations! The equipment worked perfectly in all weather conditions. They successfully handled 60+ km/h winds […]

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Publication in the Fishermens’ Pages

An article by Mr. György Hajtun was published in the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization’s monthly maazine, the Fishermen’s Pages, which introduces the WALISE smart buoy unit. Thank you for your excellent attention and the opportunity to appear! http://new.magyarhal.hu/Hirek-esemenyek/Megjelent-a-Halaszati-Lapok-oktoberi-szama-2023-10 2023-09-25

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